平装| 倫敦插畫師Kate Hindley| Oliver and Patch

  • 平装| 倫敦插畫師Kate Hindley| Oliver and Patch
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Oliver and Patch



by Claire Freedman  (Author), Kate Hindley (Illustrator)


Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Childrens Books (January 1, 2015)

ISBN-13: 978-(咨询特价)

Product Dimensions: 26.4 x 1 x 26.6 cm

Shipping Weight: 4.2 ounces


From the bestselling author of the ALIENS LOVE UNDERPANTS series and award-winning illustrator Kate Hindley comes a lovely new adventure.

Oliver is finding the big city a lonely and scary place but when he finds a little lost dog he makes his first friend in the city.

The trouble is, he knows that somewhere out there someone is missing the little dog just as much as he is loving having him, So, with a heavy heart, Oliver sets about doing the right thing.
